Prometheus Trailer
It's a new Alien movie. It's directed by Ridley Scott. I think my heart just stopped for a second there.
Accio royal icing!

Found here.
Gifts, Steampunk-Style

'Tis the season for giving so why not give something chock full of steampunk goodness? These can all be found on etsy, along with thousands of other nifty items.
More photos and info here.
Hobbit House

Okay, hobbit houses have always appealed to me and this is just awesome (not to mention the Tolkien collection). Anyone else jealous?
Zombie-Killing Appeal for Girls of All Ages!

Barbie is the handiwork of Sarah Anne Langton. Originally posted here.
Everything's Better with Muppets

Originally tweeted by @WickedLPixie. Another picture and the story here.
The Doctor Gets Shirty
First the BBC brings us Doctor Who then they bring us nifty Doctor-related attire...

Originally found via Facebook. See more Doctor shirts here.

Blood 'n' Suds

Put the walking dead to good use and turn them into the washing dead!
More info here.
Because Droids Care

OMG, I think I remember seeing this as as kid. I have my own reasons for not smoking but the next time you want to light up you should imagine R2 making that sad noise. Guaranteed motivation to quit!
Video originally found via @damicophoto on Twitter.
Vader image found here.
Gummi Dune

But it's great on gas!

Read more about it here.
The Magic of Shining Light

You want to play with it, don't you? You can check it out at the Austrian Cultural Forum of New York until September 5. Original story found here.
And just for the heck of it here's an old school Lite Brite commercial. Ah, the classics...
Stormtrooper on Wheels
Steamed Spud
Mr. Potato Head is one of those things that lends itself well to endless variations. You can go to any decent toy store and pick up...
Spud Lightyear:
Spider Spud:
Opti-Mash Prime:

Darth Tater and Spud Trooper:

Idaho Jones (of "Taters of the Lost Ark" fame ):
But the best version I've seen yet is Steampunk Mr. Potato Head, not least because he's homemade. Childhood nostalgia combines with geekery to make WIN.
Find out how to make your own here.
Spud Lightyear:

Darth Tater and Spud Trooper:

Idaho Jones (of "Taters of the Lost Ark" fame ):

Even Vader Needs a Vacation...

It's an ad but a funny one:
And speaking of Star Wars, Han and Leia get a mention in a "Top 10 Romantic Onscreen Moments" post I wrote for Heroes & Heartbreakers. Read it here. It is the post you're looking for. You want to read the post...
Batman Burlesque

In Toronto? Always thought Penguin could be sexy if he just worked it? Then you might want to check out the Batman Burlesque show this Saturday (4 June) at Toronto Underground Cinema (186 Spadina Ave). Just when you thought things couldn't get any weirder...
More info here.
Doctor Hoo

Wait--is that Rory modelling the shirt? Either way it's pretty damn cute. And it's on sale too! Get yours here.
Housewares of the Future...Today!
How did I not know about Museum of Robots? First of all, they make nifty stuff for the home, something I'm generally a fan of. Secondly--the items they make involve robots! And spaceships. And beakers. I think I'm in love.

Lab Vases
That's a whole lotta bricks...
Kids and parents in Brazil build the world's tallest LEGO tower...

Admit it--you want to try building one now, don't you?
Read more about it here.

Admit it--you want to try building one now, don't you?
Read more about it here.
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